[relaxing music]
Chantal Legagneur:
I came from Haiti. And now, I live in Brooklyn. 我以前住的地方非常非常小,是一个步入式地下室,和我的两个孩子还有我妈妈住在一起. I always tell them, it’s not going to be forever. And I’m going to save every penny that I have to buy the house. The real estate (agent), Mr. Gregory, he told me to go meet Mr. Ennell.
Ennell Esperance:
我叫埃奈尔·埃斯佩兰斯,是大通银行的住房贷款顾问. Chantal is one of my favorite clients. And she’s a first-time homebuyer. She’s a single parent raising two kids, taking care of her mother, 我母亲从海地移民到布鲁克林时也是这么做的. So growing up, 我知道我母亲为了给我和我的姐妹们提供更好的生活而经历的挣扎. When I sat down with Chantel, we uncovered she was eligible to get a $100,000 grant that New York City offers. She was also eligible for our $5,我们能够把这笔钱加在一起,用来支付她的首付款和成交费用.
Chantal Legagneur:
I couldn’t believe I was going to get that. But Mr. Ennell did it.
Ennell Esperance:
Me being someone who’s really invested in the community, 我有责任了解这些项目,并确保每个人都知道并能够实现他们想要的梦想.